
How Spirituality Saved My Life

Where I Started: Depressed, Anxious, and Not Wanting to Go On

I used to live for work, money, and all the things society told me would make me happy. By 30, I had landed that high-paying prestigious job, gotten married, and had a son. I really should have been happy, right?

But I wasn’t, and I couldn’t figure out what was missing. I had it all, everything they told me I needed to live the life of my dreams, and I was having breakdowns every few months. Literally, I’d end up in the hospital, unable to face another day, let alone a lifetime of this hollow existence. Something was desperately wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what. Therapists praised me for how hard I worked to do what they said, and I stuck to my medication regime, but nothing seemed to fix the problem. I’d end up right back where I started, depressed, anxious, and not wanting to go on.

The Turning Point: Embracing Spirituality

Despite initially being a staunch atheist, I turned to the practices I discuss in this blog out of desperation and found myself diving head-first into the oftentimes woo-woo world of spirituality. I felt very silly starting out with some of these things. But a miraculous thing started to happen that I couldn’t deny: the more “silly” practices I tried out, the more I excited I started to feel about life. It ignited a spark within me in a place I’d lost touch with after childhood. The world of spirituality isn’t about striving for results, which was how I’d tried to measure my life before, it’s about living deeply in each moment. It’s about connection between all beings, and a deeply felt sense of that connection that’s accessible all the time. And it’s empowering, helping me take the reins in a world where I used to feel like a victim.

For the first part of my life, I was obsessed with the “what.” What I had, what I wanted, and what I could achieve. Once I embraced spirituality, I started to ask an important question: why? Why was I killing myself to check all these boxes of the perfect life when I knew it wasn’t making me happy?

Where Spirituality Led Me: A World of Inspiration and Optimism

I’ll be real-I don’t live every moment in perfect bliss now. But when I lose my way, when I get too bogged down by the mundane aspects of day-to-day life, spirituality is my lifeline. Spirituality empowered me to make choices not just for myself, but for the benefit of all beings. It helped me slow down and find a right-sized job. It helped me end a marriage that wasn’t healthy for anyone. And it helped me embrace motherhood in all its messy joyful glory.

I’m passionate about everything I share on this site because I know from experience spirituality can provide a sense of purpose and meaning in a world where everything seems to be falling apart.

I don’t think there’s one spiritual path for everyone. I think we each have our own road. On this site, I strive to introduce you to varied topics so you can see for yourself what feels exciting and right. If you feel like something’s missing, but you just can’t quite figure out what, I encourage you to take a chance on something you find here. You’ll never know until you try.

Where to Start?

Start where you feel most excited. This site is designed to be a jumping off point for further spiritual exploration. Here are a few things that I’ve found particularly transformative in my personal journey:

Tarot for Shadow Work

Important note: Thank you for your support of Divine Day-to-Day. Any links on this site earn us a small commission fee at no cost to you.

In the realm of self-discovery and personal growth, there exists a potent but often overlooked tool: Tarot. Beyond its mystical allure and divinatory powers, Tarot cards can serve as mirrors to our innermost selves. They guide us through the shadows of our subconscious and illuminate the path to profound transformation. This journey of self-exploration is known as shadow work. It’s a process of confronting and integrating the hidden aspects of our psyche. In this article, we delve into the practice of Tarot for shadow work, exploring how embracing darkness can lead to profound personal growth.

Understanding Shadow Work

The concept of the shadow was introduced by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. It refers to the unconscious aspects of our personality that we often repress or deny. These may include our fears, insecurities, traumas, and unacknowledged desires. Shadow work involves shining a light on these hidden parts of ourselves, acknowledging them without judgment, and integrating them into our conscious awareness. By doing so, we can achieve greater wholeness and authenticity.

Tarot as a Tool for Self-Reflection

Tarot cards serve as powerful tools for self-reflection and introspection. Each card in the deck contains archetypal imagery and symbolism that can resonate deeply with our subconscious mind. Tarot helps us access our inner wisdom and uncover truths that may be hidden from our conscious awareness. We gain insights into our shadow aspects, shining a light on parts of ourselves that we may have been avoiding or denying.

Embracing Darkness with Tarot

Embracing darkness does not mean reveling in negativity or dwelling on our flaws. Instead, it involves facing our shadows with compassion and courage, recognizing that they hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Tarot provides a safe and structured way to explore these hidden aspects of ourselves. It offers guidance and support as we navigate the depths of our psyche. Through Tarot readings, journaling, and meditation, we can begin to unravel the layers of our shadow selves, gradually integrating them into our conscious awareness.

The Dark Night of the Soul Spread

The Dark Night of the Soul spread helps us delve deep into the darkest recesses of our psyche. This spread typically consists of seven or more cards, each representing different aspects of the shadow self. The layout may vary, but commonly, the cards are arranged in a descending pattern, mirroring the descent into the depths of the soul.


  1. The Darkness: The first card represents the core of the shadow. This is the deepest fear or insecurity that is currently holding us back.
  2. The Cause: The second card reveals the underlying cause or origin of our shadow aspect. It sheds light on past traumas or experiences that have shaped our fears.
  3. The Denial: This card uncovers the ways in which we have been avoiding or denying our shadow, providing insight into the defense mechanisms we use to protect ourselves.
  4. The Confrontation: Here, we confront our shadow head-on, acknowledging its presence and the impact it has on our lives.
  5. The Lesson: This card offers a lesson or insight that we can learn from our shadow aspect, highlighting the growth opportunities that arise from facing our fears.
  6. The Release: In this position, we release any attachments or identifications we have with our shadow, letting go of the beliefs or patterns that no longer serve us.
  7. The Transformation: The final card represents the potential for transformation and rebirth, showing the light that emerges from the darkness and the growth that comes from embracing our shadow.

The Integration Spread

The Integration Spread is a Tarot spread focused on integrating shadow aspects into our conscious awareness, fostering greater self-acceptance and wholeness. This spread typically consists of five cards, each representing a step in the process of integration.


  1. The Shadow Aspect: The first card identifies the specific shadow aspect that we are working to integrate, bringing it into conscious awareness.
  2. The Underlying Belief: This card reveals the underlying belief or pattern associated with the shadow aspect. It helps us to understand its origins and how it has influenced our behavior.
  3. The Acceptance: Here, we practice radical acceptance of the shadow aspect, acknowledging it without judgment or resistance.
  4. The Integration: This card represents the process of integrating the shadow aspect into our conscious awareness. It shows how we can find ways to work with it constructively rather than allowing it to control us.
  5. The Empowerment: The final card signifies the empowerment that comes from integrating our shadow. It shows how embracing all aspects of ourselves leads to greater wholeness, authenticity, and self-love.

By working with spreads like the Dark Night of the Soul and the Integration Spread, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. We can harness the power of Tarot to navigate the shadows of our psyche with courage and compassion.


Tarot for shadow work offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By embracing the darkness within us, we can unlock hidden potentials, heal past wounds, and emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Through the guidance of Tarot cards, we can navigate the depths of our subconscious with courage and compassion, paving the way for profound transformation and self-realization. As we embark on this journey of self-exploration, remember that within the darkness lies the seeds of our greatest light.

Want to learn more about shadow work? Check out Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliot, one of my favorite books on the subject.

Looking for inspiration? Maybe try the Wild Unknown Tarot deck.

Read about how I use Tarot to enhance my psychic abilities and how I use Tarot for self-care.

Want a quick breakdown of the meaning of Tarot cards? Check out my guide here.

Understanding Tarot Meanings: Swords in the Rider-Waite Deck

Important note: Thank you for your support of Divine Day-to-Day. Any links on this site earn us a small commission fee at no cost to you.

The Suit of Swords holds significant meaning in my personal healing journey as it embodies the mental clarity and resilience I seek during times of emotional and psychological turmoil. Each card within this suit reflects the struggles and conflicts I face, urging me to confront my fears, acknowledge my anxieties, and embrace the truth, no matter how painful it might be. The Suit of Swords inspires me to harness the power of my mind, cut through the fog of confusion, and find the courage to make difficult decisions. Through this suit, I learn the importance of honesty, both with myself and others, and the value of intellectual growth and understanding in my path toward healing and self-discovery.

General Themes of the Suit of Swords

The Suit of Swords in the Rider-Waite tarot deck is associated with the element of air, symbolizing the mind, intellect, and communication. This suit often represents thoughts, beliefs, and the power of the mind to influence reality. It is linked to truth, justice, and ethical dilemmas, highlighting the mental processes and conflicts that shape our lives.

Swords also signify conflict, both internal and external. They reflect the struggles we face, the battles we fight, and the clarity that can be achieved through understanding and resolution. The cards in this suit can indicate the need for critical thinking, decision-making, and the pursuit of truth, even when it is uncomfortable.

The Cards of the Suit of Swords

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords is a card of new beginnings and clarity. It signifies a breakthrough, a new idea, or a moment of clear understanding. This card encourages you to embrace truth and intellect, cutting through confusion and focusing on what is essential.

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords depicts a stalemate or difficult decision. It suggests that you may be facing a situation where you need to make a choice, but conflicting options or emotions are causing indecision. This card encourages you to seek balance and inner peace before moving forward.

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords symbolizes heartache and sorrow. It often represents emotional pain, loss, or betrayal. This card is a reminder that acknowledging and processing grief is an essential part of healing, urging you to face your emotions honestly.

Four of Swords

The Four of Swords indicates rest and recovery. It suggests that you need to take a break and retreat from the chaos to rejuvenate your mind and body. This card emphasizes the importance of rest, meditation, and contemplation.

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords highlights conflict and defeat. It suggests that you may be dealing with a situation where no one truly wins, and it might be better to walk away. This card is about understanding the cost of victory and recognizing when to let go.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords represents transition and healing. It indicates moving away from difficulties and finding a path to calmer waters. This card is about leaving behind what no longer serves you and seeking peace and resolution.

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords signifies deception and strategy. It suggests that there may be dishonesty or a need for cunning to navigate a situation. This card encourages you to be mindful of hidden agendas and to act with integrity.

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords depicts restriction and feeling trapped. It suggests that you may be experiencing limitations, often self-imposed, that prevent you from seeing a way out. This card is about recognizing your own power to overcome obstacles and free yourself.

Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords symbolizes anxiety and nightmares. It often represents worry, guilt, or mental anguish. This card urges you to confront your fears and anxieties, seeking to understand and alleviate them through rational thought and support.

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords indicates betrayal and ending. It suggests a painful conclusion or a significant loss. This card is about accepting the end of a cycle and the inevitability of change, paving the way for new beginnings.

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords is a card of curiosity and vigilance. It represents a youthful energy eager to learn and discover new truths. This card encourages you to stay alert, gather information, and approach situations with a keen and open mind.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords signifies action and assertiveness. It depicts a bold and determined individual who charges forward with conviction. This card is about taking decisive action and pursuing goals with clarity and purpose, but also warns against impulsiveness.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords represents wisdom and clarity. She is a figure of intellect and perceptiveness, known for her ability to see the truth and speak it plainly. This card encourages you to embrace honesty, fairness, and clear communication in all your dealings.

King of Swords

The King of Swords symbolizes authority and integrity. He is a powerful and just leader, capable of making fair and balanced decisions. This card is about mastering the intellectual realm, leading with clarity, and upholding truth and justice.


The Suit of Swords in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is a powerful collection of cards that explore the depths of the mind, the challenges of conflict, and the pursuit of truth. Each card offers a unique perspective on the intellectual and ethical dilemmas we face, providing valuable insights into the mental and emotional processes that shape our lives. Whether you are seeking clarity, facing conflicts, or striving for truth, the Swords provide profound guidance to help you navigate your journey with wisdom and integrity.

Want to learn more?

Read about meaning of the rest of the tarot cards.

I’ve found a tarot tremendously helpful in my personal journey. Learn how I use tarot for self-care.

Check out a book I found super helpful for understanding the tarot.

Understanding Tarot Meanings: Wands in the Rider-Waite Deck

Important note: Thank you for your support of Divine Day-to-Day. Any links on this site earn us a small commission fee at no cost to you.

The Suit of Wands has been meaningful in my healing journey as it embodies the essence of transformation and renewal, mirroring my personal quest for inner growth and self-discovery. The vibrant energy of Wands resonates with my need to rekindle my passion for life and ignite the creative spark within me. Each card serves as a reminder of the power of action and intention, encouraging me to overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities with courage and optimism. As I navigate my path to healing, the Suit of Wands inspires me to harness my inner strength, focus on my ambitions, and remain resilient in the face of challenges, guiding me towards a more empowered and fulfilled self.

General Themes of the Suit of Wands

The Suit of Wands in the Rider-Waite tarot deck is associated with the element of fire, symbolizing energy, passion, and inspiration. It often represents the spark of creativity and the drive to turn ideas into reality. This suit is linked to one’s career, projects, and personal endeavors, highlighting both the challenges and triumphs encountered along the journey.

Wands also signify growth and ambition, depicting the highs and lows of pursuing one’s goals. The cards in this suit can indicate the need for decisive action, the initiation of new ventures, and the dynamic force that propels us forward.

The Cards of the Suit of Wands

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a card of new beginnings and potential. It signifies a burst of creative energy and the start of an exciting project or phase in life. This card encourages you to seize opportunities and take bold steps forward. It represents inspiration and the spark that ignites action.

Two of Wands

The Two of Wands depicts contemplation and planning. It suggests that you are at a crossroads, assessing your options and envisioning the future. This card indicates the need for careful consideration and strategic planning to ensure success in your endeavors.

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands symbolizes progress and expansion. It shows that your plans are taking shape and beginning to bear fruit. This card is about looking ahead with confidence, exploring new horizons, and anticipating future opportunities.

Four of Wands

The Four of Wands represents celebration and harmony. It is a card of joyous occasions, such as weddings, graduations, or other milestones. This card signifies stability and a strong foundation, often associated with a sense of community and shared happiness.

Five of Wands

The Five of Wands highlights conflict and competition. It suggests that you may be facing challenges or disagreements with others. This card encourages you to navigate conflicts constructively and find ways to cooperate and compromise.

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is a card of victory and recognition. It indicates that your efforts have been successful, and you are receiving praise and acknowledgment for your achievements. This card is about confidence, triumph, and public acclaim.

Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands signifies defense and perseverance. It suggests that you are standing your ground and protecting your position against opposition. This card encourages resilience and determination in the face of challenges.

Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands represents swift movement and progress. It indicates that things are moving quickly, and you may experience a surge of activity or communication. This card is about momentum, rapid developments, and the acceleration of plans.

Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands symbolizes resilience and endurance. It suggests that you have faced many battles and are now on guard, ready to protect what you have achieved. This card highlights the importance of persistence and the strength to overcome adversity.

Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands indicates burden and responsibility. It suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed by your duties and obligations. This card is a reminder to delegate tasks and seek support to avoid burnout.

Page of Wands

The Page of Wands is a card of enthusiasm and exploration. It represents a youthful spirit, eager to embark on new adventures and discover new passions. This card encourages curiosity, optimism, and a willingness to take risks.

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands signifies action and adventure. It depicts a bold and ambitious individual who is ready to pursue their goals with determination. This card is about taking decisive steps, embracing challenges, and moving forward with confidence.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents warmth, vibrancy, and leadership. She is a charismatic and dynamic figure, inspiring others with her confidence and creativity. This card encourages you to tap into your inner strength, lead with passion, and nurture your ambitions.

King of Wands

The King of Wands symbolizes authority and vision. He is a powerful and influential leader, capable of inspiring others and turning ideas into reality. This card is about mastery, strategic thinking, and the ability to guide and motivate others.


The Suit of Wands in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is a vibrant and dynamic collection of cards that highlight the journey of creativity, action, and ambition. Each card offers a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities encountered along the path to achieving one’s goals. Whether you are seeking inspiration, facing obstacles, or celebrating successes, the Wands provide valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate your journey with confidence and clarity.

Want to learn more?

Read about meaning of the rest of the tarot cards.

I’ve found a tarot tremendously helpful in my personal journey. Learn how I use tarot for self-care.

Check out a book I found super helpful for understanding the tarot.

Lunar Phases and Tarot: Harnessing Moon Magic for Your Readings

Important note: Thank you for your support of Divine Day-to-Day. Any links on this site earn us a small commission fee at no cost to you.

The moon, with its powerful influence on the earth and its cycles, has long been associated with intuition, emotion, and transformation. By aligning your tarot readings with lunar phases, you can harness this celestial energy to gain deeper insights and enhance your divinatory practice. This article explores the connection between lunar phases and tarot, offering guidance on how to integrate moon magic into your readings.

Understanding the Lunar Phases

The lunar cycle consists of eight phases, each with its own unique energy and significance. Here’s a brief overview of these phases and their corresponding energies:

  1. New Moon:
    • Energy: Beginnings, intention-setting, fresh starts.
    • Focus: Ideal for setting new goals and planting seeds for the future.
  2. Waxing Crescent:
    • Energy: Growth, hope, intention-building.
    • Focus: Focus on taking actionable steps toward your goals.
  3. First Quarter:
    • Energy: Decision-making, challenges, perseverance.
    • Focus: Address obstacles and make necessary adjustments.
  4. Waxing Gibbous:
    • Energy: Refinement, patience, progress.
    • Focus: Fine-tune plans and continue working towards goals.
  5. Full Moon:
    • Energy: Culmination, clarity, illumination.
    • Focus: Celebrate achievements, gain clarity, and release what no longer serves you.
  6. Waning Gibbous:
    • Energy: Gratitude, introspection, sharing.
    • Focus: Reflect on your journey and share knowledge.
  7. Last Quarter:
    • Energy: Release, forgiveness, transition.
    • Focus: Let go of past burdens and prepare for new cycles.
  8. Waning Crescent:
    • Energy: Rest, reflection, closure.
    • Focus: Rest and recuperate, reflect on the cycle, and prepare for the new moon.

Aligning Tarot Readings with Lunar Phases

By aligning your tarot readings with the lunar phases, you can tap into the moon’s energy to enhance your intuitive insights. Here are some ways to incorporate lunar phases into your tarot practice:

  1. New Moon Readings:
    • Focus: New beginnings, setting intentions, and planting seeds for the future.
    • Spread Example: New Moon Intention Spread
      • Card 1: What new beginnings should I focus on?
      • Card 2: What intention should I set?
      • Card 3: What can help me manifest my intentions?
  2. Waxing Crescent Readings:
    • Focus: Building on intentions, taking first steps, and nurturing growth.
    • Spread Example: Waxing Crescent Growth Spread
      • Card 1: What first step should I take?
      • Card 2: How can I nurture my goals?
      • Card 3: What potential growth can I expect?
  3. First Quarter Readings:
    • Focus: Overcoming challenges, making decisions, and persistence.
    • Spread Example: First Quarter Challenge Spread
      • Card 1: What challenge am I facing?
      • Card 2: How can I overcome this challenge?
      • Card 3: What decision do I need to make?
  4. Waxing Gibbous Readings:
    • Focus: Refinement, patience, and progress.
    • Spread Example: Waxing Gibbous Refinement Spread
      • Card 1: What aspect of my plan needs refinement?
      • Card 2: How can I be more patient?
      • Card 3: What progress am I making?
  5. Full Moon Readings:
    • Focus: Clarity, culmination, celebration, and release.
    • Spread Example: Full Moon Clarity Spread
      • Card 1: What has come to fruition?
      • Card 2: What should I celebrate?
      • Card 3: What should I release?
  6. Waning Gibbous Readings:
    • Focus: Gratitude, reflection, and sharing wisdom.
    • Spread Example: Waning Gibbous Gratitude Spread
      • Card 1: What should I be grateful for?
      • Card 2: What lessons have I learned?
      • Card 3: How can I share my wisdom?
  7. Last Quarter Readings:
    • Focus: Letting go, forgiveness, and transition.
    • Spread Example: Last Quarter Release Spread
      • Card 1: What should I release?
      • Card 2: How can I forgive and move on?
      • Card 3: What is my next step?
  8. Waning Crescent Readings:
    • Focus: Rest, reflection, and preparation for new beginnings.
    • Spread Example: Waning Crescent Reflection Spread
      • Card 1: What should I reflect on?
      • Card 2: How can I rest and recuperate?
      • Card 3: How can I prepare for the new moon?

Tips for Incorporating Lunar Phases into Tarot Readings

  1. Moon Journal:
    • Keep a journal to track your tarot readings and reflections for each lunar phase. Note any patterns or insights that emerge over time.
  2. Lunar Altar:
    • Create a lunar altar with items that represent the moon and its phases, such as crystals, candles, and moon-themed objects. Use this altar as a focal point for your readings.
  3. Meditation:
    • Begin your readings with a moon meditation to attune yourself to the lunar energy. Visualize the current moon phase and its associated qualities.
  4. Moon Rituals:
    • Incorporate moon rituals into your tarot practice. For example, perform a cleansing ritual under the full moon or set intentions with a new moon ceremony.
  5. Use Moon-Related Decks:
    • If possible, use tarot or oracle decks that feature moon imagery or themes to enhance your connection with lunar energy.


Harnessing the magic of lunar phases in your tarot readings can bring a new depth and dimension to your practice. By aligning your readings with the moon’s cycles, you can tap into powerful energies that enhance your intuition, provide clarity, and support your spiritual growth. Embrace the rhythm of the moon, and let it guide you through the cycles of transformation, reflection, and renewal in your tarot journey.

Ready to learn more? Check out this book about how to combine Tarot and moon magic.

Check out how I use Tarot to enhance my psychic abilities and how I use Tarot for self-care.

Want a quick breakdown of the meaning of Tarot cards? Check out my guide here.

Exploring the Fusion of Shamanism and Tarot

In my personal journey, combining shamanism and tarot has been a transformative practice that has greatly enhanced my spiritual healing. One particular experience stands out: I was feeling lost and uncertain, so I drew a card to meditate on. I ended up drawing The Hermit. Using shamanic techniques, I visualized myself stepping into the card, where I met the Hermit on his solitary mountain. We sat in silence, and his lantern illuminated hidden parts of my subconscious, revealing deep-seated fears and unresolved emotions. Through our interaction, I received profound guidance on embracing solitude as a source of strength and wisdom. This practice not only provided clarity and direction but also helped me release emotional blockages, fostering a deeper sense of inner peace and spiritual connection. This powerful combination of shamanism and tarot has become an invaluable tool in my ongoing journey of healing.

Combining shamanism and tarot offers a powerful and transformative approach to spiritual growth and self-discovery. Both practices, rooted in ancient traditions, emphasize intuitive connection, personal insight, and guidance from the spiritual realm. By integrating these two modalities, you can deepen your understanding of the tarot cards and enhance your shamanic practices, creating a rich, immersive experience that fosters profound personal and spiritual healing.

Understanding Shamanism and Tarot

Shamanism is a spiritual practice that involves connecting with the spiritual world through rituals, ceremonies, and journeys. Shamans act as mediators between the physical and spiritual realms, seeking guidance, healing, and wisdom from spirit guides, ancestors, and nature.

Tarot, on the other hand, is a divinatory tool that uses a deck of 78 cards to provide insights into the past, present, and future. Each card holds symbolic imagery and meanings that tap into the collective unconscious and personal intuition.

By merging these two practices, you can create a synergistic method for gaining deeper insights and connecting with your inner self.

Intuitive Connection with Tarot through Shamanic Techniques

To truly integrate shamanism with tarot, it’s essential to go beyond simply reading the cards. Instead, engage with them on an intuitive and spiritual level. One powerful way to do this is by using a shamanic technique known as “journeying” to enter the world of the tarot cards. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Set Your Space: Create a sacred space where you won’t be disturbed. Light candles, burn incense, or play soft, meditative music to set the mood.
  2. Select Your Card: Choose a tarot card that you feel drawn to or that resonates with a question or issue you are currently facing. This could be any card from the deck, depending on what you seek to explore.
  3. Meditate and Visualize: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths to center yourself. Hold the card in your hands, gaze at its imagery, and then close your eyes again. Visualize yourself stepping into the scene depicted in the card.
  4. Engage with the Card: Once you’ve entered the card, interact with the elements within it. If there are people, animals, or objects, approach them and engage in conversation. Ask questions and listen to their responses. Observe the surroundings and take note of any symbols or feelings that arise.
  5. Seek Guidance and Wisdom: Use this journey as an opportunity to seek guidance and wisdom related to your current situation. Trust your intuition and the messages you receive from the card’s inhabitants.
  6. Return and Reflect: When you feel ready, thank the beings or symbols you interacted with and gently bring yourself back to the present moment. Open your eyes and take a few moments to ground yourself. Reflect on your journey and write down any insights, messages, or feelings that emerged.

Benefits of Combining Shamanism and Tarot

  1. Deeper Intuitive Insights: Engaging directly with the cards’ imagery and symbols can provide insights that go beyond traditional interpretations.
  2. Enhanced Spiritual Connection: By incorporating shamanic practices, you strengthen your connection to the spiritual realm, receiving guidance and support from spirit guides and ancestors.
  3. Personal Healing and Growth: This combined approach can facilitate emotional and spiritual healing, helping you address and release past traumas and blockages.
  4. Empowerment: Taking an active role in your spiritual practice empowers you to trust your intuition and inner wisdom.


The fusion of shamanism and tarot offers a rich, transformative path for those seeking deeper spiritual connection and personal insight. By intuitively connecting with the tarot cards and engaging with their imagery, you can unlock profound wisdom and guidance. Embrace this powerful combination, and allow it to lead you on a journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery.

Understanding the Tarot Cups Meaning in the Rider-Waite Deck

Important note: Thank you for your support of Divine Day-to-Day. Any links on this site earn us a small commission fee at no cost to you.

The Cups suit in the Rider-Waite tarot deck has been instrumental in my personal healing journey through spirituality. Each card’s deep connection to emotions, intuition, and relationships has provided profound insights into my inner world. For instance, the nurturing energy of the Queen of Cups helped me embrace compassion and emotional intelligence, while the transformative message of the Eight of Cups encouraged me to leave behind unfulfilling situations and seek deeper spiritual growth. By regularly reflecting on the tarot Cups meaning, I’ve gained clarity, emotional healing, and a stronger connection to my spiritual path, guiding me toward a more balanced and fulfilled life.

The Cups suit is intimately connected with emotions, relationships, and intuition. Often linked to the element of water, the Cups cards delve into the heart’s desires, love, and the flow of emotional energy. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced tarot reader, understanding the tarot Cups meaning can provide deep insights into your emotional and spiritual landscape.

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups signifies new beginnings in love and emotional fulfillment. It represents the potential for deep emotional connections and the start of a new phase in relationships. When this card appears, it often suggests an outpouring of feelings, creativity, and compassion. Embrace the new opportunities for emotional growth and connection.

Two of Cups

The Two of Cups symbolizes partnership and mutual attraction. It’s a card of harmony, balance, and the beginning of a significant relationship, often romantic but can also indicate a strong friendship or partnership. The tarot Cups meaning here is all about union and the powerful connection between two people.

Three of Cups

Celebration and community are the hallmarks of the Three of Cups. This card often appears when there are social gatherings, joyous occasions, or reunions with friends and family. It suggests a time to share happiness, support each other, and celebrate collective achievements.

Four of Cups

The Four of Cups represents introspection and reevaluation. It often suggests a period of contemplation where you may be feeling disconnected or dissatisfied despite having emotional abundance. The tarot Cups meaning in this context encourages looking inward and reassessing what truly brings emotional fulfillment.

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups is associated with loss, grief, and disappointment. It often depicts a focus on what has been lost rather than what remains. This card encourages acknowledging and processing your emotions but also reminds you to find hope and gratitude in what is still present.

Six of Cups

Nostalgia and memories are central to the Six of Cups. This card often reflects on past experiences, childhood memories, or reunions with people from your past. The tarot Cups meaning here highlights the importance of reflecting on happy memories and the simple joys of life.

Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups represents choices, dreams, and illusions. It often appears when you are faced with many options or are indulging in fantasies. This card advises careful consideration and discernment to avoid being overwhelmed or deceived by unrealistic expectations.

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups symbolizes a turning point and the decision to move away from something unfulfilling. It suggests a journey towards greater emotional and spiritual fulfillment, often involving leaving behind what no longer serves you. The tarot Cups meaning here is about seeking deeper meaning and personal growth.

Nine of Cups

Often called the “wish card,” the Nine of Cups signifies contentment and satisfaction. It represents the fulfillment of desires and a sense of well-being and emotional abundance. When this card appears, it often suggests that your wishes are coming true and you are experiencing joy and happiness.

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups epitomizes emotional fulfillment and harmonious relationships. It signifies a happy family life, strong bonds, and the achievement of lasting happiness. The tarot Cups meaning here is about reaching a state of complete emotional and spiritual contentment.

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is a messenger of new beginnings in emotional or creative pursuits. This card often suggests the arrival of a new opportunity or inspiration, encouraging you to approach life with curiosity and an open heart. It symbolizes youthful energy and the potential for emotional growth.

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups represents the pursuit of love and beauty. This card often indicates a person or situation that embodies romanticism, charm, and idealism. It encourages following your heart and being open to emotional adventures.

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups embodies compassion, intuition, and emotional depth. She represents a nurturing and empathetic presence, often indicating someone who is in touch with their emotions and the emotions of others. The tarot Cups meaning here emphasizes emotional intelligence and caring support.

King of Cups

The King of Cups signifies emotional maturity, stability, and wisdom. He represents a person who is able to balance emotions with logic and offers calm and compassionate leadership. This card encourages mastering your emotions and leading with kindness and understanding.


The Cups suit in the Rider-Waite tarot deck offers profound insights into our emotional and relational worlds. By understanding the tarot Cups meaning, you can gain a deeper awareness of your emotional landscape and navigate your relationships with greater clarity and compassion. Whether you’re seeking love, healing, or personal growth, the Cups cards provide valuable guidance on your journey.

Learn more about meaning of the rest of the Tarot cards.

Tarot and Spirit Guides: Connecting with Higher Guidance

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Tarot cards are a versatile tool for self-reflection, divination, and spiritual growth. One profound way to use tarot is to connect with spirit guides—those higher beings that offer guidance, protection, and wisdom.

Tarot cards are a versatile tool for self-reflection, divination, and spiritual growth. One profound way to use tarot is to connect with spirit guides—those higher beings that offer guidance, protection, and wisdom. Working with my spirit guide has been instrumental in my personal journey of healing. Whether you believe spirit guides are ancestral spirits, angels, or even just a way to access your own intuition, the tarot can be a bridge to access their messages. In this article, we’ll explore how to use tarot to connect with your spirit guides and receive higher guidance.

Understanding Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are often seen as non-physical entities that support and guide individuals on their life path. They might be ancestors, ascended masters, angels, or other spiritual beings. Each person has one or more spirit guides dedicated to helping them navigate life’s challenges and growth opportunities.

Why Use Tarot to Connect with Spirit Guides?

Tarot serves as a powerful medium to communicate with spirit guides because:

  • Symbolism: The rich imagery and symbolism in tarot cards can convey complex messages that are often more accessible to our subconscious mind.
  • Focus: Tarot provides a structured way to ask questions and receive answers, offering a clear channel for guidance.
  • Intuition: The practice of tarot reading enhances intuition, making it easier to sense the presence and messages of spirit guides.

Preparing to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

  1. Create a Sacred Space:
    • Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the space with sage, incense, or by visualizing white light filling the room.
  2. Set Your Intention:
    • Clearly state your intention to connect with your spirit guides. This can be done silently or aloud. For example, “I invite my spirit guides to connect with me through these cards and offer their loving guidance.”
  3. Grounding and Protection:
    • Ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth. Surround yourself with protective light to ensure that only positive, helpful energies are present.

Choosing a Tarot Spread for Spirit Guide Communication

Select a spread that facilitates communication with your spirit guides. Here are a few examples:

  1. One-Card Draw:
    • Ask a simple question such as, “What message do my spirit guides have for me today?” Draw a single card and reflect on its meaning.
  2. Three-Card Spread:
    • This spread can be used to explore a specific issue:
      • Card 1: The current situation.
      • Card 2: Guidance from your spirit guides.
      • Card 3: The outcome or next steps.
  3. Spirit Guide Spread:
    • A more detailed spread to delve deeper into your connection with your spirit guides:
      • Card 1: Who is my spirit guide?
      • Card 2: What is their main message for me?
      • Card 3: How can I better connect with them?
      • Card 4: What is my spirit guide helping me with right now?
      • Card 5: What can I do to show gratitude to my spirit guide?

Interpreting the Messages

  1. Focus on Imagery:
    • Pay attention to the symbols, colors, and figures in the cards. These elements can hold significant meanings that resonate with the guidance you’re seeking.
  2. Listen to Your Intuition:
    • Trust your initial impressions and feelings about the cards. Your intuition is a direct line to your spirit guides and often provides the most accurate insights.
  3. Look for Patterns:
    • If you do regular readings, notice recurring cards or themes. These patterns can indicate ongoing guidance or issues that your spirit guides want you to focus on.
  4. Journal Your Readings:
    • Keep a tarot journal to record your questions, the cards drawn, and your interpretations. Over time, this journal can reveal deeper insights and patterns in the guidance you receive.

Building a Stronger Connection

  1. Regular Practice:
    • The more you use tarot to communicate with your spirit guides, the stronger your connection will become. Regular readings help you become more attuned to their presence and messages.
  2. Meditation:
    • Incorporate meditation into your routine to enhance your receptivity to spiritual guidance. Visualization meditations, where you imagine meeting your spirit guides, can be particularly effective.
  3. Show Gratitude:
    • Expressing gratitude to your spirit guides strengthens your bond. You can do this through prayer, spoken words, or acts of kindness dedicated to them.


Connecting with your spirit guides through tarot is a deeply enriching practice that can provide profound insights and guidance. By creating a sacred space, setting clear intentions, and using intuitive tarot spreads, you can open a channel to the higher wisdom and support of your spirit guides. Regular practice and meditation will further deepen this connection, helping you navigate your life with greater clarity and purpose. Embrace the journey and trust in the loving guidance that is always available to you through your spirit guides and the tarot.

Love Tarot and want more activities? Check out how I use Tarot for self-care.

Looking for inspiration? Beside the standard Rider-Waite deck, I highly recommend The Wild Unknown.

Healing with Tarot: Using Cards to Address Trauma

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Tarot cards have long been used as a tool for divination, self-reflection, and spiritual guidance. Beyond these traditional uses, tarot can also be a powerful means of addressing emotional wounds and trauma. By tapping into the symbolic language of the cards, individuals can gain insights into their inner worlds, facilitate emotional healing, and foster resilience. This article explores how to use tarot to address emotional wounds and trauma, offering practical tips and spreads to guide the healing process.

Understanding Tarot as a Healing Tool

Tarot cards function as mirrors reflecting our subconscious mind, revealing hidden aspects of our psyche that need attention and healing. The imagery and symbolism in the cards can help us process emotions, understand our experiences, and find pathways to recovery. Using tarot for healing involves setting intentions, approaching the cards with openness, and interpreting their messages in a way that promotes emotional well-being.

Preparing for a Healing Tarot Session

  1. Create a Safe Space:
    • Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can focus without distractions. Ensure the space feels safe and nurturing, perhaps with soft lighting, soothing music, and items that bring you comfort.
  2. Set Your Intention:
    • Clearly state your intention to use tarot for healing. This could be a general intention to heal emotional wounds or a specific focus on a particular trauma or issue. For example, “I seek guidance and healing for the pain from my past.”
  3. Grounding and Centering:
    • Ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths and visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth. Center your energy by focusing on your breath or a calming visualization.

Choosing Tarot Spreads for Healing

Select spreads that facilitate deep introspection and healing. Here are a few examples:

  1. One-Card Draw:
    • Ask a simple question such as, “What do I need to heal right now?” Draw a single card and reflect on its message.
  2. Three-Card Spread:
    • This spread can be used to explore an emotional issue:
      • Card 1: The root cause of the emotional wound.
      • Card 2: The current impact of this wound on your life.
      • Card 3: Guidance for healing and moving forward.
  3. Inner Child Spread:
    • A spread designed to connect with and heal your inner child:
      • Card 1: What does my inner child need to say?
      • Card 2: How can I comfort my inner child?
      • Card 3: What can I do to nurture my inner child?
      • Card 4: How can I integrate my inner child’s wisdom into my life?
  4. Trauma Release Spread:
    • A detailed spread to address and release trauma:
      • Card 1: The nature of the trauma.
      • Card 2: How the trauma affects you.
      • Card 3: What you need to acknowledge or accept about the trauma.
      • Card 4: Steps to release the trauma.
      • Card 5: How you can support your healing process.
      • Card 6: The potential outcome of your healing journey.

Interpreting the Cards for Healing

  1. Focus on Imagery and Symbols:
    • Pay close attention to the images and symbols in the cards. They can evoke emotions and memories that are significant for your healing process.
  2. Trust Your Intuition:
    • Your intuitive impressions are vital. Trust the feelings, thoughts, and memories that arise as you interpret the cards.
  3. Journaling:
    • Write down your readings and reflections. Journaling helps process emotions and track your healing journey over time.
  4. Seek Deeper Meanings:
    • Look beyond the surface meanings of the cards. Consider how the cards’ messages relate to your past experiences and current emotional state.

Integrating Tarot into Your Healing Practice

  1. Regular Practice:
    • Incorporate tarot into your regular self-care routine. Consistent practice can provide ongoing support and insights for your healing journey.
  2. Combining with Other Therapies:
    • Use tarot alongside other healing modalities such as therapy, meditation, and journaling. Tarot can complement these practices by providing additional insights and guidance.
  3. Mindfulness and Reflection:
    • Approach each tarot session with mindfulness. Reflect on the messages and how they apply to your life, allowing yourself time to process and integrate the insights.
  4. Expressing Gratitude:
    • Express gratitude for the guidance and healing received through the tarot. This can be a simple thank you to the cards, the universe, or your higher self.

Example Healing Tarot Spread

Try this five-card spread for addressing emotional wounds and trauma:

  1. Card 1: What is the nature of my emotional wound?
    • This card reveals the core issue or trauma that needs healing.
  2. Card 2: How does this wound currently affect me?
    • This card shows the impact of the wound on your present life.
  3. Card 3: What do I need to acknowledge about this wound?
    • This card provides insight into what you need to recognize or accept to heal.
  4. Card 4: How can I begin to heal this wound?
    • This card offers guidance on steps you can take to start the healing process.
  5. Card 5: What will support my healing journey?
    • This card suggests resources or practices that will aid your recovery.


Using tarot to address emotional wounds and trauma can be a transformative practice. By creating a safe space, setting clear intentions, and choosing appropriate spreads, you can tap into the deep wisdom of the cards to facilitate healing. Trust your intuition, reflect on the messages, and integrate tarot into your regular self-care routine. Embrace the journey of healing with tarot, and allow the cards to guide you toward emotional wholeness and resilience.

Want to learn more? Check out this book about using Tarot to heal.

Or read more about how I use Tarot for self-care and to build my psychic abilities.

Or read my overview of the meaning of Tarot cards.

Intuition in Tarot Reading: Enhancing Your Psychic Abilities

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Tarot reading is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, offering insights into your inner world and life’s journey. While understanding the meanings of the cards is essential, the true art of tarot reading lies in the ability to tap into your intuition. This intuitive connection transforms a simple card layout into a profound exploration of your subconscious mind. In this article, we will explore the role of intuition in personal tarot reading and provide practical tips to enhance your psychic abilities.

Understanding Intuition in Personal Tarot Reading

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling, an inner knowing, or a subtle sense of awareness that transcends logical reasoning. In the context of tarot, intuition bridges the gap between the symbolic language of the cards and your unique life situation. It allows you to go beyond textbook definitions and connect with the deeper messages and energies at play.

Why Intuition Matters in Personal Readings

  1. Personal Connection:
    • Intuition personalizes your reading, making the insights more relevant and meaningful to your specific circumstances.
  2. Depth of Insight:
    • While card meanings provide a framework, intuition adds layers of depth, uncovering hidden aspects and nuances that might not be immediately obvious.
  3. Enhanced Self-Awareness:
    • By trusting your intuitive impressions, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, addressing true concerns and questions.

Developing Your Intuitive Abilities

  1. Meditation and Mindfulness:
    • Regular meditation and mindfulness practices help quiet the mind, making it easier to hear and trust your intuitive voice. Spend a few minutes each day in silent meditation, focusing on your breath or a calming visualization.
  2. Journaling:
    • Keep a tarot journal to record your readings, impressions, and intuitive hits. Reflect on your entries to track patterns and deepen your understanding of how your intuition communicates with you.
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice:
    • The more you practice tarot reading, the more you’ll develop confidence in your intuitive abilities. Start with daily one-card draws, focusing on the first impression you get from the card before consulting any guidebooks.
  4. Trust Your Instincts:
    • Pay attention to your initial thoughts, feelings, or images that come to mind when you look at a card. These spontaneous impressions are often the voice of your intuition.
  5. Symbol Interpretation:
    • Enhance your symbolic literacy by studying the imagery on the tarot cards. Symbols often trigger intuitive responses, providing insights that go beyond the card’s traditional meaning.
  6. Engage Your Senses:
    • Incorporate all your senses in your tarot practice. Notice the physical sensations, emotions, or even smells and sounds that arise during a reading. These sensory experiences can provide valuable intuitive clues.

Exercises to Enhance Intuition

  1. Intuitive Card Pull:
    • Without looking at the cards, shuffle your deck while thinking of a question. Draw a card and before turning it over, try to sense its energy and message. Write down your impressions and then compare them with the card’s traditional meaning.
  2. Storytelling:
    • Lay out a few cards and create a story based on their images and symbols. Allow your imagination to flow freely, letting your intuition guide the narrative. This exercise helps you connect with the cards on a deeper, more intuitive level.
  3. Object Meditation:
    • Choose an object that has personal significance. Hold it in your hands, close your eyes, and focus on the feelings and images that arise. This practice enhances your ability to receive intuitive impressions from external sources, which can be applied to tarot readings.

Integrating Intuition with Tarot Knowledge

Balancing intuitive insights with the traditional meanings of the tarot cards creates a well-rounded reading. Here’s how to integrate both:

  1. Foundation in Card Meanings:
    • Build a strong foundation by studying the traditional meanings of the cards. This knowledge provides a framework that supports your intuitive insights.
  2. Intuitive Overlay:
    • Once you understand the basic meanings, allow your intuition to overlay additional information. Trust the impressions that come to you, even if they differ from the conventional interpretations.
  3. Feedback Loop:
    • Since you’re reading for yourself, maintain a reflective practice. Review your previous readings periodically to see how your intuitive insights have played out in your life. This feedback helps refine your intuitive skills and build confidence.


The role of intuition in personal tarot reading cannot be overstated. It transforms a mechanical interpretation of the cards into a dynamic and insightful dialogue with your subconscious and the universe. By cultivating your intuitive abilities through mindfulness, practice, and trust, you can enhance your psychic capabilities and gain deeper, more meaningful insights into your life. Embrace your intuition, and let it guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth through the tarot.

Want to learn more?

Understanding Tarot Meanings

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Tarot reading is an ancient practice that offers insights and guidance through symbolic imagery. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck, created by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, is one of the most popular and widely used decks in the world. This guide delves into the meanings and symbolism of the Tarot’s Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, providing a comprehensive understanding of each suit: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles.

The Major Arcana: Life’s Big Lessons

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing significant life events, spiritual lessons, and karmic influences. These cards are often seen as the “big picture” elements of a Tarot reading.

Symbolism and Meaning

When you pull a Major Arcana card in a reading, it often signifies a major life theme or lesson. These cards represent the archetypal energies and experiences that shape our lives. The Major Arcana guides you through life’s journey, from the innocence of The Fool to the completion and fulfillment represented by The World.

  • Transformation and Growth: Major Arcana cards frequently highlight periods of significant change, encouraging personal growth and transformation.
  • Spiritual Lessons: They point to deeper spiritual insights and the need to address fundamental questions about purpose, destiny, and inner truth.
  • Karmic Influence: These cards often suggest that the experiences they refer to are not just random but part of a larger cosmic plan.

The Minor Arcana: Everyday Experiences

The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit addresses different aspects of our daily lives and personal experiences. Unlike the Major Arcana, which focuses on overarching themes, the Minor Arcana delves into the details of our day-to-day existence.

Wands: Creativity and Passion

The suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire, symbolizing creativity, passion, and action. Wands often reflect our ambitions, desires, and the energy we put into our endeavors.

  • Creativity and Inspiration: Wands cards are linked to our creative impulses and the spark of inspiration. They represent the drive to start new projects and pursue our passions.
  • Action and Movement: This suit is about taking initiative and making things happen. It emphasizes the importance of action and the dynamic nature of pursuing goals.
  • Ambition and Growth: Wands can indicate personal and professional growth, pushing us to reach higher and strive for more.

Cups: Emotions and Relationships

Cups represent the element of water, symbolizing emotions, relationships, and intuition. This suit delves into the realm of feelings, love, and connections with others.

  • Emotional Depth: Cups cards are deeply connected to our emotional world, highlighting our feelings and how we connect with them.
  • Relationships and Bonds: This suit often explores the dynamics of our relationships, from romantic connections to friendships and family ties.
  • Intuition and Inner World: Cups also signify our intuitive abilities and the importance of listening to our inner voice and emotional instincts.

Swords: Intellect and Conflict

The suit of Swords corresponds to the element of air, representing intellect, conflict, and communication. Swords often indicate mental challenges, decisions, and struggles.

  • Intellectual Clarity: Swords cards focus on the realm of the mind, emphasizing clarity of thought, decision-making, and intellectual pursuits.
  • Conflict and Struggle: This suit often addresses conflict and the challenges we face, both internally and externally. It highlights the need to confront difficulties head-on.
  • Communication and Truth: Swords also pertain to how we communicate and express our truths. They encourage honesty and directness in dealing with situations.

Pentacles: Material Aspects and Practicality

Pentacles are associated with the element of earth, symbolizing material aspects, practicality, and financial matters. This suit addresses issues related to work, wealth, and physical well-being.

  • Material Success: Pentacles cards focus on the tangible aspects of life, such as career, finances, and possessions. They highlight the importance of stability and security.
  • Practicality and Realism: This suit emphasizes practicality, urging us to be realistic and grounded in our approach to life’s challenges.
  • Physical Health and Well-being: Pentacles also relate to our physical health and the need to take care of our bodies and surroundings.

Meaning of Pulling Major Arcana vs. Minor Arcana Cards

The distinction between Major and Minor Arcana cards is crucial to understanding the meaning of a Tarot reading. While Major Arcana cards highlight significant life themes and spiritual lessons, Minor Arcana cards provide insight into everyday experiences and practical matters.

Major Arcana: Big Themes

  • Significant Impact: Pulling a Major Arcana card indicates that the issue at hand has a profound impact on your life and is part of a larger pattern or journey.
  • Long-term Influence: These cards often point to events or changes that will have long-term consequences.
  • Spiritual Guidance: Major Arcana cards are a call to pay attention to deeper spiritual lessons and growth opportunities.

Minor Arcana: Everyday Matters

  • Daily Experiences: Minor Arcana cards reflect the day-to-day aspects of life, offering guidance on more immediate concerns.
  • Practical Advice: These cards provide practical insights and advice on how to handle specific situations or challenges.
  • Detailed Guidance: The Minor Arcana helps to flesh out the nuances of a situation, offering detailed guidance on how to navigate daily life.


The Rider-Waite Tarot deck offers a rich tapestry of meanings and symbols that can guide you through life’s complexities. Whether you are seeking personal insight or looking to understand broader life patterns, the Tarot provides a profound tool for reflection and growth. By exploring the Major and Minor Arcana, along with the individual suits of Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, you can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

I’ve found a tarot tremendously helpful in my personal journey. Learn how I use tarot for self-care.

Read my overview of the meaning of the Major Arcana.

Check out a book I found super helpful for understanding the Tarot.